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BLESST Community Hub

Our vision is creating a stable safe space, nurturing trustful relationships and family environments for young people and families to become engaged and empowered, with a greater sense of belong, and sense of purpose that leads to a more meaningful live, less affected by the impacts of poverty, neglect, abuse and unemployment and are able to influence change and live in a community where they are the community. That whatever their background, beliefs, ethnicity, intersexuality has significant worth and deserves a welcome that makes them feel valued and sense of belong.

Creative Learning - Young People's Activities

Feed our community is a collaborative partnership working together with Birmingham Children’s Trust, Empower U, B Friends and BLESST. The project's framework helps support young people, families, and communities in the most deprived areas of Birmingham.


Together we all can take the Feed our community project across the whole of Birmingham to help tackle over 100,000 children living in poverty with 42 % of our children growing up in relative poverty. There is a 10-year gap in life expectancy between the richest and the poorest neighbourhoods’ actions are needed for social change living conditions together we can make a difference in young people’s lives.

HAF / Street Games

Music & Media

Creative Arts & Dance

Chess Club

Away Day Trips

Feed our Community

Feed our community is a collaborative partnership working together with Birmingham Children’s Trust, Empower U, B Friends and BLESST. The project's framework helps support young people, families, and communities in the most deprived areas of Birmingham.


Together we all can take the Feed our community project across the whole of Birmingham to help tackle over 100,000 children living in poverty with 42 % of our children growing up in relative poverty. There is a 10-year gap in life expectancy between the richest and the poorest neighbourhoods’ actions are needed for social change living conditions together we can make a difference in young people’s lives.

Cultural Food Days & Healthy Eating

Educational Learning

Community Listening Events

Therapeutic Family Trips


"Young people should be at the forefront of global and community change and innovation.

Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. If, however, they are left

on society's margins, all of us will be impoverished. Let us ensure that all young people have

every opportunity to participate fully in the lives of their societies.

Youth Leader Advisory Board

Our Blesst YLAB, most of the young people from the local community and surrounding areas of Birmingham. However, one or two on the board are non-geographical communities brought together by other factors. Youth Leaders Advisory Board focuses on issues of health, race, inequalities, community engagement & development, co-designing activities for young people while being trained to become youth lead community organisers to make a positive difference within their communities.

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